Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fibromyalgia: Do You Really Get It?

A little of a year ago, my life was changed forever. 

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

I was a single mom of a just turned 4 year old.


Fibro is like  kids. Unless you have it. you don't really get it. You can understand the concept 'kinda' but you don't REALLY 'GET IT' until you experience it.

Unlike kids, it's not really a rewarding experience.

This is a good explanation of just the PAIN portion of what we deal with

The Ridiculously Long List Of Fibro Symptoms

Out of the 275 symptoms listed here, I have experienced 146 of them. (I can specify which they are if you really want to know.)  Some of those are constant, some are intermittent from weekly to monthly. There are also other things I suffer from which aren't listed here, so I'm unsure if they're even fibro related. Fibro is the Lupus that 'won't kill us'. It's still just as debilitating, just with no end game. 

I'm not posting this for sympathy. I don't need that. I'm posting it for understanding. I know some of you silently judge me and think it's all a pile of shit. I wish that were the case.

Suggesting I just exercise is the WRONG FUCKING THING TO SAY! 
When every part of your body is screaming at you and you haven't even gotten out of bed yet, are you going to have the fortitude to exercise? 

(Did I mention that even though you're awake after 6-8 hours sleep, you're STILL tired?  The only reason you get up is because you're uncomfortable in the bed and have to pee.)

No. You're not.

Especially when you know that the exercise will not only be painful while you do it, but tomorrow and for as many as 4 days after, you'll pay for it with exponentially multiplied pain. 

But guess what? You can't just loaf about til you feel better, because you may NEVER FEEL ANY BETTER.


You really hope that isn't true, but the pain didn't used to be THIS bad on a regular basis, so it only stands to reason that it most likely will continue it's slow ascent. 

It's terrifying. 

So feel free to fuck right off, because that is what YOU can exercise.


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