Monday, November 7, 2011

Catch you up!

WOWZERS! Has it really been since mid-April that I last sat down and ran off at the world?  To sum up:

Got 90% of issues sorted with Boy Wonder
Went on a FABULOUS mini-break with BW in July to celebrate our 1 yr anniversary
Had a pretty good relaxing summer
Got applied to college in the paralegal programme and started working on finishing my OSSD
BW has been working about 4 hours east of here for 4 months, which has been both a blessing and a curse.  I think it's healthy to know what it's like to miss your partner and it certainly is good for passionate homecomings. ;)
We saw Cirque Du Soleil thanks to my dear friend who works in radio!  It was fantastic but made me feel like a cow.
Had a couple beautiful family weddings that were super fun!
B had a tonsil and adenoidectomy as well as having bilateral myringotomy which was drama and a half from my little princess! I will expand on these later (time permitting)
Had a fancy pants Party Lite party and that had brought me to my next entry!


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