Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Quitting Smoking Continued

This ad is simply because I thought it was funny... and I think that everyone should buy one... it's wicked cheap! But then we Canadians are pretty lib about marijuana usage (unless you're unaware of how to google, you should know that when used correctly it is far more beneficial than harmful, and look at all the shitty things you eat all the time!) Also, please notice that this version of Amazon is American which is strange.... they still very much believe that pot is part of the war that they fight against drugs....

Anywho, back to my topic of how it's going this far... another perfect example of chasing a squirrel, btw.  Well, the thing that still plagues me about the quitting smoking is the wanting to want it... when I talked on the phone, I smoked; after I ate, I smoked; coffee and a smoke to 'get things moving in the morning'; finishing a task (ie cleaning something fairly major not just wiping the counter) meant a ciggie butt reward for a job well done.  I almost don't know what to do now or how to possibly do anything without having that smoke to cap it off and start the next thing... total mindf@$k... I'm pretty lost... and the thing of it is that there's NOTHING that you can do in that small 2-5 min that you'd NORMALLY be smoking because there's nothing else that only takes that much time.  Crocheting is great, but it's the working on it that gives you the accomplished feeling so 2-5 min is just a teaser and thus not satisfying and THUS not worth picking it up. Ya, I can blog but that always takes me more time and often I start it and then come back and finish it hours later. After I've let the proverbial 'train' come back to the station.
I'm not really noticing too many side effects... some may say I'm a bit sensitive, but they may in fact just be looking for a place to deflect their douchey behaviour to, rather than take onus for it like a grownup and then deleting their crappy remarks so no one else can point out that it was rude and not just make like I'm crazy.... HOLY run on sentence, batman! [end mini rant]

So I'm looking for suggestions for things that I might do to deal with my want to want to smoke (no, that is not a typo... read it over til it makes sense to you... yes, there you go!)
You SHOULD be able to leave such suggestions at the end here in the comment section. It should be set up so that anyone can leave one, member or not.  If that is not the case then you may email your suggestions to  mordenka0426@gmail.com... serious suggestions only and please keep in mind that BW doesn't return to me until the end of this weekend.

ttfn (ps, that's a quote from Tigger not some lame acronym that you techies use)


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