Sunday, December 12, 2010

sooo many squirrels, so little time

So I feel there are some things that I need to explain to some of you (not that there's anyone 'following' me yet, but when there are, they'll be glad for this entry)... the first entry just kinda fell outta me via my hands and there may be things that people would like to know... any questions that you have should go into the comments and I'll answer them in a post somewhere. Most likely it will be at the end of the next post...
Why 'Chasing Squirrels'?
Well, while I can't take credit for coining this phrase (Krissy, that one's ALL YOU), I have definitely spread it like wild fire and now most of the people that I talk to on the reg-u-laire use it too... although usually to describe me at any given moment.
Chasing squirrels are what happens when you lose your train of thought, have a brain fart, adhd, baby brain, fibro fog (mine is that and the adhd, by the way), ride bikes (again, thanks Krissy) and sometimes it's so bad that the squirrels are riding the bikes and chasing YOU! Sadly, that happens to me A LOT.

Things I'm looking forward to:
If you're on my fb then you'll know 2 very prevalent facts in my life at this point in time:
1. I have a NEARLY perfect boyfriend who is uber handsome. This is especially important because every man (term used loosely) who came before 'BoyWonder' (BW is what I'll refer to him as from here on out) were  TOTAL douche canoes (thanks LoonieBin, it's been re-sown in MANY a conversations)
2. that BW has been gone for work since Oct 24th and it's near killed me.

BW is coming home (yay) by the close of the week! I can't tell you how excited I am, but I can tell you that after he's home, you won't hear from me for a couple days. 'B' will be going to one of our relatives for that time and I'll be waiting on BW hand and foot because that's just the kinda gal I am.

BW and I are getting a Bowflex from this really, really nice guy off of Kijiji. I am sooo excited to get buff! I was pretty well developed from construction and everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) has shifted since having B and gaining 73 lbs and losing 80-ish. I'm also hoping it will give me something to do since I'm not going to be smoking, although I'm thinking of taking up some sort of craft also... I could finish crocheting the baby blankets I've started and maybe make B a quilt or learn to knit... I dunno but something. (Prime example of 'squirrel chasing', right there.)
Anyway I'm thinking that the Bowflex may help with my fibro and the strength training via resistance exercises will make me feel better and prevent me from eating everything I see from quitting smoking!

I'm sooo excited for xmas to come! Going to be one of the best ones in a while I think (last year was fun, but not the way I wanted to spend xmas). Going to be filled with family and getting to meet BWs extended family and he mine... here's hoping it's not 'eventful' in a negatively connotative way! I LOVE getting together with family and friends and the music and the wine/booze and the food and spreading the love and general merrymaking! I am sooo lucky to have a wonderful family... we're a bit quirky but just good people through and through.  Hopefully we'll get to catch up with our friends too. I'm sure there'll be lots of socializing since BW has been gone FOREVER!

I think that is enough for now... gotta go get my laundry and then perhaps my child will wake up from her nap!

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