Friday, April 19, 2013

I never posted this about 4 mos ago when I wrote it.

So! I came home at about 2100 tonight put my beautiful sleeping baby into bed, was yakking on the phone and then checked the mail. This is what I found:

This paper is merely a scrap. About a 1/4 of an 8.5x11.  Clearly this was due to the mass productions (you could tell they'd photocopied it) and most likely, on the other 3/4 of the page that is NOT here, the exact same words would be found. These people are on a mission. ;)  Please note that this is typed VERBATIM! It was in no way altered or changed. Same spelling and grammatical structure, to-the-tee!

                                            This Same Jesus (this was also underlined)
     Acts1:9 After He said this, He was taken before their eyes and a cloud hid Him from their sight. 1:10, They were looking intently up in the sky as He was going, Suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them,
Men of Galilee they said, Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus who was taken from you in to Heaven, will come back in the same way as you seen Him go into Heaven.

     Revelation 22:20, He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon!.

     I have written these scriptures to give you hop, That is Real just as Jesus has promised you,
Ask Him into your hear today, Then pray that He will lead you to a Bible beliving church.

                                                               In Jesus Name, For His Glory

Now, I am not really happy about this and it seems pretty fucking ballsy to me and I wrote a reply. I could have written SO MUCH more, and really, I might just do that and attack it to the one I started. I may add a $5 bill and tell them to give it to their god. He seems to be bad with money, as he sure does need a PILE of it. 10% of your earnings, in fact. ;) Maybe they could use it to help the catholics get some better screening for their priests and prevent some more kids from being raped.  Just sayin'...

Dear Severely Indoctrinated, Sanctimonious asshole:
(Yes, I knew you'd return to see if I got it)  I am an athiest.  In this house we live by the following rules:
(We didn't need a fake diety to figure them out either!)
Don't take more than you need.  Give back everywhere you can.  Be kind to the earth and be grateful for its bounty. Take care of each other.  LIGHT AND LOVE =:)

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