Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time to get THIN!

OHMIGOD SO much time has passed and there is FAR to much to update for my ADHD brain to get through and STILL arrive and a point even remotely within the context of the original thought!
See, already getting ahead of myself here!

So I've started to change my health using whole foods. This is the beginning of the journey.
If you want me to catch you up on days past, I can, but only if you really want an update. Ask and ye shall receive.

This originally started on Facebook, but I thought it made more sense to do it here. And with a Google product. Ya, that's right Google. I see you. ;) *cue barry white**

Yesterday morning:
Beginning a quest for a lifestyle change. While I know that losing the 70 lbs that I've gained in the last 2.5 years won't reduce my pain (it was just as bad when I was 168 lbs, yes, you did the math right. I'm a fat ass), I also am fully aware that hauling around 70 extra pounds of lard and blubber is total nonsense for my already struggling body. Thus, it begins... 
Firstly, I think a parasite cleanse is in order. This does NOT mean worms, scabies, etc. This is in regard to the parasites that live in your gastrointestinal tract which people are never aware of having. A parasite cleanse isn't magic, nor does it require pills. Just a change in diet to clean those suckers out. Excretion is ghastly, but what a difference!
I've done a LOT of hard mental and emotional work over the last 8 months and it's HIGH time I started the physical work.

This is an awesome site that gives a great overview on what I'm doing: 


Yesterday Afternoon

The parasite cleanse has begun! I have just been to the grocery store and bought about $120 in groceries, all but $10 (on shit tickets) was produce (I selected organic where I could) and a 1/4 of that was even clearance veg! I figured I'd save the money where I could, after all, I was just going to come home and juice it, no matter if it's a bit over-ripe.
After the shop, I came home and washed all of the produce in a sink of cold water and a cup of white vinegar.
Then took 15 drops of black walnut oil (parasite killer) mixed in some 'juice' which was actually 2 scoops of all greens super berry concentrate powder and about 500 ml of water.
On to the juicing. This is the recipe I used (verbatim), found onwww.rebootwithjoe.com:

Orange Garden Juice
This brightly-colored juice is packed with the vegetables you may not think of when making a delicious and healthy juice — fennel, peppers, carrots. Fennel is packed with colon-healthy quercitin (also found in pears and apples), and antioxidants anethole and rutin. The antioxidant anethole is known for helping to ease upset stomachs and for aiding digestion. Fennel is also a great source of potassium and vitamin C.

Make this tasty juice as a morning meal or as a snack to go. It is quick to make and the ingredients are easy to find.

7 medium carrots
1 medium orange bell pepper (capsicum)
1 pear
2 inches ginger
1 fennel bulb

1.) Rinse all ingredients.

2.) Remove top off pepper; and remove seeds.

3.) Add ingredients through juicer.

4.) Serve and enjoy!

It wasn't as tasty as I wanted it to be, but it's certainly not disgusting, either.


Last night:

After a walk/bike ride to the park a few blocks away, playing in Blackie's (Blackie is a friend of mine, she has 2 boys) backyard, a walk to the store and MORE playing, my poor girl couldn't even make it to Momma's bed. She was passed out on the couch waiting for me to get tomorrow's water infusion ready. Momma is tired too, and SO sore. My body isn't a fan of lugging its corpulent self around.


Today has been an interesting one. In a TON of pain today. From the weather (it's been rainy and shit today, although the sun is out right now)? From the starving parasites and candida? From ALL the walking? Well, my lower back, legs and feet might be from the walking, but my hands? We all know I wasn't using those to walk. Although I was pulling a wagon for a bit. Regardless, I'm in pretty incredible pain.
Today, I've only eaten a scone so far, oh and some s'more thing that Ashley coerced me into, and have just drank juiced produce (once added 1tbsp of ground flax but I measure the flax before it was ground and threw it all in; and the second glass had 1Tbsp of ground raw pumpkin seeds, again measured whole) or the lemon -cucumber-basil-mint infused water (recipe below). It's totally refreshing and rather tasty. My aim is NOT to get lazy this time and keep drinking infused water in various flavours and concoctions indefinitely. This is one are where I've failed previously.
I did NOT have coffee this morning, and will have a one cup tomorrow and then skip the next day and have 1/2 c the following day, until I have weaned off caffeine and avoided horrible migraines. Caffeine is ONE sucker I can't 'cold turkey'.

Anywho, here is the recipe I used for today's water infusion. It's been in my news feed at least a half dozen times that I've noticed it, in the past week. I have just made mine into a 2L juice jug with a strainer bit on the lid which is great for pouring. It came from the $1.25 store. ;) I use my 4L countertop brita to fill the jug. I have refilled it once, and probably will again, without adding any 'fresh' ingredients. There was still a LOT of flavour pumping outta those delicious herbs.

1 cucumber and 1 lemon, thinly sliced
1/4c finely chopped basil
1/3c finely chopped mint
10 c H2O

best if steeped overnight in the fridge. otherwise, still pretty darned good in a cpl hours!

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