Saturday, April 9, 2011

FB survey part 2 which is now renamed 'Trust?!?"

If you read the post from earlier today, this post will make total sense.  If you don't, then you'll be as a mushroom, which is to say, in the dark.

I've done some 'canvassing' about my moral dilemma and here's what the feed back has been thus far:

so apparently they've been together for over a year... pretty committed in my books...

I have also gotten advice from 'Boy Wonder' who told me it is 'none of your fucking business and don't go causing shit'

I consulted a couple other ppl who think I should see if I can get some sort of a feel for the stability of the relationship by engaging her in some sort of dialogue and depending on that answer to go to him via the site and let him know his jig is up and to knock it off.

It may seem to some that I'm just being a meddling bitch, but really, I have NOTHING to gain in this, rather something to lose.
The reason I am worried is that with infidelity comes many risks, the most IMPORTANT and immediate is the potential to spread sexually communicable infections and others that cannot be gotten rid of also.  I don't think that is okay.  She is a girl who has not had any children yet and being exposed to things like chlamydia, where the symptoms are often silent and, if left untreated, could morph into Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and render her sterile. Basically, your inner lady parts get severely infected resulting in scar tissue, thus difficult to get pregnant. Isn't that nice for you man to give you in return from a rendez-vous with anonymous, dating site pussy that is dirty.

This may seem extreme, but sex is risky business and if someone is keeping their end of the deal in the fidelity department then the other persons dirty dealings are just cruel and disgusting.  Totally unacceptable for taking someone's health in your hands without their consent. Not to mention the emotional ramifications of an unscrupulous partner.
This has become something that has become an issue to me in the last 5 yrs. Previously to that I've had my share of early 20s dating when I was more of an opportunist and saw my partners more as idiots who had something that I benefited from, even if only by simply having a ton of fun with them (at their cost, now that I'm a grown up, that's sounding a LOT like being an escort who isn't getting paid, with a dysfunctional relationship tossed in for excitement. WOW, I was HORRIBLE! EEK!) and I called them 'essential components' which made ppl laugh to my face. while probably privately thinking I was some cold, calloused, man-eating slut.... awesome... and the more I type the worse I sound... I could TOTALLY justify it at the time, though. Being in your early 20s, I'm pretty sure that you get to claim ignorance. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I think that is enough for now... I may or may not be feeling like I've given too much away for one night.


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