Thursday, April 7, 2011

YouTube - masculout

YouTube - masculout

This is TOTALLY vulgar, so that's why I'm blogging about it.

I just 'pirated' this from a FB friend of mine and I found it to be especially funny.

While this commercial is clearly made in jest, there is some truth to it. I am a person who tries not to contribute to things that have to be thrown away, so I'm one to use washcloths for the tidy up after intimacy (ya, maybe DON'T use a washcloth at my house. They get laundered, but if that would still bother you, err on the side of caution) rather than tissues or wet wipes. Not only does a cloth not have to be thrown away, but a dry tissue will not get the job really done, wet tissues disintegrate and wet wipes are cold, and I'm told are not very post-coitus friendly on a man's bits and pieces. That being said, I do end up replacing my washcloths fairly regularly because protein stains ARE real. I only use brightly coloured cloths because white ones are an effort in laundry futility!
If there was such a thing as 'Mascul-out' I would certainly be a purchaser. Sex is messy, no matter how you slice it. Would be nice if there was a way to destroy all evidence of this. Goo stained sheets are not nice and if you're a person who enjoys a high thread count, you'd better do it on the floor, or have the money to feed your habit.
SOMEONE invent a product like the one here... It'll sell, I promise!

That's all I have to say about that.

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