Saturday, April 9, 2011

FB survey

Have NO idea what this is about, but I thought that the title seemed poignant given what's to follow.

So I've come to the conclusion that people CANNOT be trusted. There is NOT a single person I 100% trust. There are several people who I trust with various things, but I am a lifetime subscriber to 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket'. You SHOULD be able to trust the people closest to you with ANYTHING and never have to tell them 'Don't tell anyone' but we all tell them that anyway. What should be happening is that we should all be able to discern what is okay to tell (funny anecdotal tales to lift others moods.  Also, we love to commiserate and that is something shared with parties who have the same issues with the same person. It's not gossip and has no malicious intent, but sometimes we gotta let some things go or we WILL explode).  
I tend to be a person who tells things that are troubling me when I want to do something about a situation that I feel strongly about but won't because I recognise that there are certain boundaries you just can't cross.  I'm not sure when I developed such a strong conscience, but I'd enjoy it being less in my face all the damn time.  
When you've discussed things with someone and they then turn around and commit a discussion related offence it tells me a few things:
1) You weren't listening to what I said
2) You did listen, but either disagree and are just enough of an asshole to blatantly hurt/upset/disappoint me anyway
3) You most likely don't respect yourself (yes, disrespect for oneself can manifest itself in the form of selfish outlashings, which MAY appear to be a superiority complex, but really, is just low self esteem in a different pair of shoes)
4) Your inability to respect yourself is resulting in the inability to respect me. 

I claim to be a person who respects herself, but if I really look at it, I don't. Not totally. I am forever putting up with bad behaviour out of others and saying nothing about it. Makes me wonder how many people feel like I'm a douche and don't tell me about it. Seriously people, tell me. PLEASE! I don't want to be an un-evolved troll so please, help me be a better person. I will do my best to do the same. Please use tact and love. Thanks.
there's a second volume apparently.

So, now on to the question period, where by answers would be greatly appreciated.

If you find out that a long-time acquaintance's other half is on a dating site (not that I am on the site, but I've heard from a close friend who IS and it's someone we mutually know and my 'source' was unaware that this person was in a relationship), do I tell my acquaintance of their partner's unbecoming conduct or just keep my mouth shut? 
If it was me, I'd want to know. I am not a fan of infidelity. We're not in out early 20s any more and we should have grown up enough to just get out without being a total douche to the other people. Dignity and respect, people: these concepts are not passée, it's called being a decent person. 

So this is where you tell me what I should do. All responses are welcome. Thanks.


ps, after posting this I realized that I had not tied the title in with the post, thus making NO sense. I had to come back and edit.

The reason that this rant/moral dilemma has come to light is because of a one question survey on Facebook
Q. What is the most important thing in a relationship
A. trust
B. sex
C. Communication

while sex and communication are in my top 3, trust, for me takes the #1 spot on my hierarchy of relationship needs. hmmmmmm... not going to touch that one. Too much having to look at myself and frankly, I'm not in the mood. I spend enough time doing that and would like a day off. See about statement about my over active conscience. The spelling of that word speaks VOLUMES to me!
The end.


  1. I've heard tons of stories of guys doing this. So sad. But before I add my two cents I have some questions:

    Is he actively using the site, or is it just an old profile that he doesn't use anymore/forgot to deactivate?

    How long have they been together? Like how serious is the relationship?

    Are you friends with him personally or are you just friends with his girlfriend?

  2. I am closer to her, but not really close... just one of those ppl who everyone loves and no one could imagine being shitty to. I am not at all close with him, we just went to the same school and know who we are... I don't know how long they've been together but they're cohabitational... he was last on the site yesterday

  3. Have you considered sending him a message on the dating site to let him knoe he's been caught?
