Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh The Places You'll Go


     The link above is the 'lyrics' to a brilliantly written Dr Seuss classic, which has brought inspiration to me at low points in my life. Does this make Dr Seuss my 'Jesus'? LOL! If I could compile my bible-equivalent (we're agnostic here) this would be a chapter in it for sure. I may start to look for other pieces now that I think of it. But that's for another time. Whew! That was a close one! I SO almost chased that squirrel!

So, I suffer from what is believed, to be but not formally diagnosed by a specialist (SERIOUSLY don't be dying! It takes 18 mos to get in to see a rheumatologist and that's once you get an appointment. Referral went in in the fall. Still no appointment but not before 2012, they say!) Fibromyalgia.  There are a great many theories behind this illness.  I will tell you that it IS real, regardless of what your triggers were in your life for your body to react this way, it is debilitating and depressing. Mine was not bothering me from mid-November until about 3 weeks ago.  It's getting me down in the mouth, to say the least.  Hence this book has popped into my head, because it tends to put things back into perspective for me.  There are other mildly shitty things going on too, so I'm thinking the stress level and the weather and the pain are starting to conjure up these feelings of defeat.  I believe this is what Mister Lahey would call a 'shitstorm' brewing.
     I could TOTALLY go off on a tangent here, but I will resist! Let it be known that I HEART TPB!  A totally awesome show and Julian is ALSO HAWT!  That is all.

     Where was I? Oh yes, Dr Seuss.  So, right now I'm in two of the places described in that poignant, rhyming children's lit.  I'm in the Slump and the Waiting Place.  I am trying so hard to get out of that waiting place and have plans set to return to school in order to rejoin the workplace in something that I will enjoy AND be conducive to parenting.  Now that my body is threatening to stage a revolt when the time to get organized and enrolled is coming upon me.  I have to pretty much hope it's subsided by the time school starts or I'm going to be USELESS 50 % of the time.  I am a control freak a lil bit too... so this really is driving me mad.
     I have NO idea where I was going with this now... maybe I was just venting because I have ovaries and that's what I needed to do... perhaps I'll add to it later... but the burning in my shoulders and neck from sitting here and typing this is distracting me to the point where I just have to stop.

I leave you all with this,

"Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.

And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)


G'nite folks!


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